Thursday, July 28, 2011

4 years old

I can't believe my little 5 lb bundles of love are now 4 years old!   I can remember this like it was yesterday...

In some ways ET days seems like eons ago and some days it seems like I blinked my eyes in that moment then opened my eyes to see these guys looking at me....

WOW.  How did that happen?  It's almost too much...I love these two so much...they are my heart. I love the little men they are growing into, I love how different they are, yet alike in many ways too, I love the one liners they are throwing out all the time and cracking us up with...I could just eat them up with a spoon.  Do they make me want to pull my hair out some days? Yep Do they test my patience to the brink and back? You bet ya...but I just can't imagine my life with out them...they were so worth every tear shed during worth it.  Just when I thought I'd never be a mom, God gave me so much more than I ever dreamed possible.  Since I am are a few favorites from July 2007...

Two days before they were born at 36w4d

Such sweet times!  Totally overwhelmed, overtired and overjoyed all at once! Thank you God for these miracle boys!!

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